Internet Marketing in Business Operations

Marketing basically is the communication of the value of a product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling the product or service. Thus, marketing plays a pivotal role in the daily operation and sustenance of every business as it serves as a critical business function for attracting customers.

Today, marketing encompasses many different and pivotal elements. One of the most exciting and potentially profitable areas of marketing today is Internet Marketing. If properly utilized, Internet Marketing can give you greater financial viability and organizational stability.  

The Internet (especially the Web) is a place where anyone can communicate with vast numbers of potential clients and where even a companies and organizations can showcase their products and services with ease and cost effectiveness means. 

Internet marketing (or online marketing, digital marketing, e-marketing or web marketing), is making a name for itself globally bringing with it massive potential.

Despite the enormous benefit associated with Online (Internet) Marketing, many people though are still uncertain as to what it actually is or how it works while those who are familiar with it are still skeptical to embracing it and incorporating it into their business functions and operations. Internet Marketing builds your brand and allows people to find your website by utilizing a number of different online tools. This includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), PPC (pay per click) ads, Web Page Ranking (Web PR),  Online Reputation Management(ORM), social media management, email marketing, promotions and competitions.
One of the major attractions of internet marketing is that campaigns are tailored around your specific company requirements and goals. 

The Internet has provided a rare opportunity especially for small to medium sized enterprises. It moves organizations beyond the physical constraints of their traditional distribution channels and creates a world wide virtual community in which small and medium sized companies can compete with large enterprises. The Internet ins now used as a virtual storefront where products are offered directly to customers. 

For many people, the web and the Internet in general is their primary information channel. In the early days of the phone, use of the new tool was for a while optional. Then soonest, it became that if you do not have a phone, then you do not have a business. This is now the position the internet has come to take this present age. Given our world’s rapidly increasing electronic connectedness, building an effective website may be regarded as much more than simply important, it is essential to the future strength of your business. The potentials of the Internet, and its complementary tools of websites such as email, online commerce, and interactive communication systems, is enormous. 

A website can be much more than a simple contact point providing a few pages of information. It has the potential to be a powerful part of your strategic marketing program. It could be operating at, or beyond, the level of effectiveness of your best marketing. An organization's website can be integrated with and to support all marketing efforts. In fact, it can even become the hub of all your marketing, just as it can be of itself a powerful marketing tool.

The Internet is a serious and important marketing medium. Marketing on the Internet just keeps on exploding. The Web, in particular, is the center of an information revolution comparable to the period following Guttenberg’s development of the moveable-type press. We have settled into a more accurate knowledge of what the Web can and can’t do. Some of the real advantages of the Web are interactivity, targeting, extensive market penetration, economy and measurability.

An effective website can be so very much more than just some images and basic information. It is an interactive research tool, a communications channel and a relationship builder. It can allow customers to communicate with each other to build a supportive community. It is an enormously powerful brand builder. It’s a direct-response marketing tool just as it is an educational medium. It is a powerful and customizable sales letter, a catalog and an enriching experience of your products and services. It can be all this, and more — If it’s done correctly. Though the cost of doing business on the Internet may be increased, but so also has the potential. 

  • Develop a web site focused around your business
  • The developed website should be optimized for online search engines
  • Pay-Per-Click advertising can be of  great help (especially Google Adwords
  • Email marketing is also another internet marketing solution
  • Make press releases always available (even for free of charge if need be)

With the numerous benefits of Internet Marketing, you can now put your business on the World Wide Web. However, another important note to consider is your access to the internet.

Hyperia Limited helps you grow your business by providing you with high speed, highly reliable and competitive braodband access to the Internet. 

Contact Us or call  234(1)9033414-5, +234 700HYPERIA (+234 7004973742) in bringing a revolution to your business.

Nigerian National Broadband Plan

As Nigeria continues its quest to become one of the 20 leading economies by 2020, the role to be played by the Information and Communications Technology sector can not be overlooked. However, recent advancements and development in the sector as witnessed has shown that much of the feat recorded has been aided by the Internet technology. The advent of the Internet has helped to revolutionized the global society as well as transformed economies and technological systems.

In Nigeria, stakeholders in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector are concerned about the current level of Internet connectivity, quality of service and its penetration in the country. This is against the backdrop of the experience in other countries where speedy broadband penetration has been contributing substantially to economic growth.

In order to promote and improve Internet connectivity in Nigeria and its utilization by Nigerians, the Federal Government of the country had launched a roadmap for National Broadband in the country. A committee has already been set up and launched by the government to fashion out the modalities for the roadmap as well as how it will be effectively implemented. The committee or council members consists of major stakeholders in the ICT industry including the past Vice Chairman of the Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC), Dr. Ernest Ndukwe, the immediate past President of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), Prof. Ademola Aladekomo amongst others. 

According to the Honourable Minister for Communication technology, Mrs. Omobola Johnson, the calibre and integrity of the members of the committee, lightens one's hope of the success of the policy. 
“... I have no doubt that with the credibility and the composition of the nominees to this council and working closely with the ministry, I have no doubt that we can achieve the objective of the broadband plan and look forward to work with you on the delivery of these objectives.”
In showing the government's commitment and interest to fast-track the implementation process in the country, the minister further disclosed that there were two broadband policy objectives; 
  • To accelerate the penetration of affordable broadband Internet in the country 
  • To foster broadband usage for national development.

With all these in place, once can then say that the entire plan to lift Nigeria into prosperity in high speed Internet access has now come full circle having moved from initial disjointed talks in 2008 to today when a National Broadband Plan is in place and Broadband Council has been established to see it through.

The benefit to be enjoyed by the implementation of the broadband policy in Nigeria is numerous. Broadband is an essential infrastructure of the 21st Century. It enables access to business and job opportunities, improves healthcare, education and government services, and facilitates social interactions. 
Broadband is to the 21st Century Information Age what Electricity was to the Industrial Age.
It has a significant transformative effect on how people live and work. It empowers the individual user with previously unimaginable capabilities and global reach. The Internet is the world’s largest repository of information and knowledge  and High Speed Access is critical to fully harnessing the benefits of the Internet. 

Major identified barriers to the realisation of the set target includes services not being available at a good speed, the high price of broadband services, the lack of ownership of access devices due to affordability, 
low level of digital literacy, and poor perception of the value of broadband. 

Notwithstanding, in order to provide palliative measures to the identified roadblocks, the government of the country intends to embark on programs that are geared towards making broadband more affordable; lower device costs by reducing or eliminating import duties and other taxes as appropriate; launch intensive nationwide awareness campaigns to educate the citizenry about the value of broadband services. The Government will also introduce digital literacy education and training programs leveraging the community access centres established across the country as well as incorporate such programs into primary and secondary education. 
The Federal Government is committed to resolving identified challenges to the quest for accelerated broadband penetration in Nigeria and will collaborate with the State Governments, the Private Sector and other stakeholders to achieve the goal. Government also recognises that some incentives may be required to push services to the areas deemed less commercially viable. 

For Nigeria to become one of the world’s leading economies by year 2020, high-speed broadband networks that will provide every Nigerian with fast, reliable and affordable internet access is a fundamental requirement. Broadband has been variously described as a transformative technology that levels the playing field and gives businesses access to regional, national, and international markets irrespective of geographical location. The huge success of digital mobile services in the country is a great platform upon which to build a national broadband strategy.